Monday, January 1, 2024

Nytt år nya tag


Vi har börjat med att fasta på vatten. Idag är dag 1.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

To be at Peace

The challenge To be at Peace in everyday life.

At Peace with come what may as physical obstacles.

See them as opportunities.

At peace with flowing with the river of life.

Not trying to control the situation or stop the flow.

At peace with giving up expectations. On oneself and how life will unfold.

Being open for whatever.

At peace with other people rejecting help.

Respecting their free will and their place on the path of growth.

At peace with not being able to help. What is help?

At peace with having mistakes exposed and still feel good.

No need for perfection or validation.

At peace meeting all conditions that seems stressful by the outer self or as attacks upon a self.

At peace with being at my level and growing from there as initiations are welcomed.

Everything is good as is.

Peace unto all.🙏🌸💖

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Feeling burdened 

Being vulnerable to lower energies.

What is it that can make the joy flame to fade away?

Is it focusing upon outer results and becoming absorbed in solving a problem?

Is it stepping outside the flow of being in the eternal now?

Is it ambitions and expectations?

Is it focusing upon a goal instead of on the process?

Is it allowing myself to feel that other people are my responsibility?

Is it going away from the connection?

Is it accepting the illusions that I am a victim?

Is it hiding from the Masters?

I will change direction and expose the selves and take a quantum leap up!

Friday, October 19, 2018


Thoughts on Addictions.

Why do I become addicted?

Is it a false promise for joy and relief from something coming from without.

When feeling overwhelmed by life.

Why do I become overwhelmed ?

Because the joy is gone.

Why is the joy gone?

I let go of the joy because ambitions took its place.

Ambitions and expectations.


Who is keeping scores?

It must be a separate self.

A self with ambitions.

Another self offers the relief and false joy.

The inordinate desire that never can be filled.

I Go within and dismiss the ambitions and the scorecards and let joy be the guiding rod instead. 

The joy that comes from flowing and growing and being open to the impulses from above.

So then there is nothing in me that can be addicted because I’m no longer overwhelmed.

I’m inside the flow.


Thursday, October 18, 2018


How do you discern wether the energies behind outer things: physical activities, teachings, music, news, statements made by going upwards or downwards or is just going round in circles?

I myself feel the sensation in my body very much.

If the energy is going up I feel a warmth in my heart and almost an expanding sensation in my chest.

Also a strong motivation and great joy.

If the energy is going down I feel it as almost a pain in my solar plexus and uneasiness in my being. 

Thoughts like: "what am I doing here?" comes up in my mind.

If the energy is just going round in circles-little up and then down again I don’t feel it in my physical body but more in my 3 higher bodies as a feeling of becoming unfocused and doubt comes in. 

Also feelings of being stuck and longing for freedom and something more.

Interesting insights as I’m studying the yellow book by Lanto.

How do you experience these energies?

Monday, October 15, 2018

Self esteem 

I’m thinking about Self esteem.

I have often validated myself from outer circumstances in my life and how others have treated me in life.

I got the vision yesterday that what happens in the outer-my outer conditions is like a costume I take on. 

If it’s burdening me it’s only temporary, I can either take it off or I will outgrow my costume.

The same with circumstances that I encounter, or my daily living situation.

It’s like toys to play with alone or together with other people I encounter.

Maybe there is only a few toys.

Maybe the others don’t want to play with me.

Maybe they are not always nice to me.

This also will change.

But it’s not about me.

I’m more.

I’m not my outer things or relations.

I don’t have to identify myself with my costume or with the outer circumstances.

I can see that if I still can be in good mood and at peace and feel good about myself and who I am 

my outer circumstances will change or if they don’t 

I still can feel good about who I am.

Because I’m more no matter what is right now.🌸

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

I’m connected to everyone and to the earth 🌏.

  • What I think and feel and say and do is affecting all and not just me.
  • I’m affecting the earth.
  • My state of consciousness is affecting all.
  • I’m responsible for what I send out.
  • I’m responsible for what I keep.
  • There is a greater whole.
  • I can raise above the smallness of my immediate situations and problems.