Monday, October 15, 2018

Self esteem 

I’m thinking about Self esteem.

I have often validated myself from outer circumstances in my life and how others have treated me in life.

I got the vision yesterday that what happens in the outer-my outer conditions is like a costume I take on. 

If it’s burdening me it’s only temporary, I can either take it off or I will outgrow my costume.

The same with circumstances that I encounter, or my daily living situation.

It’s like toys to play with alone or together with other people I encounter.

Maybe there is only a few toys.

Maybe the others don’t want to play with me.

Maybe they are not always nice to me.

This also will change.

But it’s not about me.

I’m more.

I’m not my outer things or relations.

I don’t have to identify myself with my costume or with the outer circumstances.

I can see that if I still can be in good mood and at peace and feel good about myself and who I am 

my outer circumstances will change or if they don’t 

I still can feel good about who I am.

Because I’m more no matter what is right now.🌸

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