Thursday, October 18, 2018


How do you discern wether the energies behind outer things: physical activities, teachings, music, news, statements made by going upwards or downwards or is just going round in circles?

I myself feel the sensation in my body very much.

If the energy is going up I feel a warmth in my heart and almost an expanding sensation in my chest.

Also a strong motivation and great joy.

If the energy is going down I feel it as almost a pain in my solar plexus and uneasiness in my being. 

Thoughts like: "what am I doing here?" comes up in my mind.

If the energy is just going round in circles-little up and then down again I don’t feel it in my physical body but more in my 3 higher bodies as a feeling of becoming unfocused and doubt comes in. 

Also feelings of being stuck and longing for freedom and something more.

Interesting insights as I’m studying the yellow book by Lanto.

How do you experience these energies?

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