Saturday, September 29, 2018

Sharing my life experiences 

A new experience for me joining an event on another continent in a different time zone and see how it goes practically with no expectation. Either I am awake or I fall asleep.

The first night Mother Mary talked through Kim and the second night it was Jesus and Saint Germain. A spiritual conference is very special and even with this physical distance between I felt the closeness and oneness and joy to be there-here together and sharing the light and love.

Insights from their messages:

🌸The Most important thing anyone can do is to raise the consciousness by a gradual path, step by step overcoming illusions and growing in awareness.

To suddenly realize new things that was kind of hidden before.

To learn from the past choices with no blaming.

And to share this with others.

Not to feel better than others but to inspire them.

With no attachment or expectations towards others reactions or acceptance or learning from what is shared.

Just a free gift.

A multiplication of the talents.

For the growth of all.🌸

Monday, September 17, 2018

The love for expressing my divine individuality💖

The love for expressing your divine individuality.

You need nothing from other people in order to express your divine individuality. You need nothing from earth in order to express your divine individuality. You need no particular conditions in the material world in order to express your divine individuality. You will never be able to express your divine individuality unless you come to the point where you do it regardless of the outer conditions.

The mystical initiations of wisdom by Kim Michaels.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

My mental box

More insights

Inside My mental box there is a belief that tells me I have to be afraid of.....

Rather it is inside my primal self that this mental box is created!🌼

That I can be hurt by.....

That I must check out out for......

That I need to defend my rights for .....

That I need to spend energy and attention to evaluate the actions of .......

That I can’t be a peace if I can’t control the situation or the choice of.......

All this is an illusion.

I can open this mental box.

I can step outside of the box.

I will keep it open and never close it again until I’m completely outside of it.

Then it will crumble, be dissolved and discarded and it’s gone.

That box is no more.

I’m free!💖👍

Sunday, September 9, 2018

My Primal self-inner child 

Fear of being Rejected and Betrayed and abused accused and condemned for being wrong, ugly and a bad person.

Feel and act as a Victim 

Withholding love and expression of Christ truth 

Trying to explain and be understood and approved of

Seeks validation

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Christ truth 

When you dare to speak out and are being silenced.

But you dare to speak.

You are put down but you know you have a right to speak.

You feel the attack, the negative energies coming at you but you keep your boundary and the protection of your force field is intact.

At peace and joy and home free 🌸💙👍

Friday, September 7, 2018

Those separate selves 

Today a few of these separate selves had stuck up their ugly faces and tried to engage me in negative emotions and dramas.

Self: that is afraid of that others don’t approve of my creative efforts.

Self: that wants to engage in fighting evil.

Self: that feels defined by the choices of others.

I have looked at them and seen their illusions and entered my peaceful state of consciousness.🙏


I don’t have to seek approval or validation from anyone. It is only a self that needs this from others. I’m always good enough becoming more of who I am each day.

There is no purpose of fighting evil. It only drains my energy and light.

I’m not letting anything define me. I flow with the river of life. I’m not dependent upon other people’s choices for my sense of who I am or for feeling uplifted and at peace. It’s only the separate self that is dependent upon others because it can’t receive light from within.

I’m responsible for my own force field.

I’m Stepping outside of my selves and stopping identifying myself with those selves.

I am More.💙

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Ego validation 

Overcoming the egos desire to be validated, to feel good and better than others.

Overcoming the egos fear of not being good enough, fear of being inferior than others.

Always comparing and evaluating and competing and putting down my choices and cocreative efforts.

Overcoming the separate self that needs approval in order to be free to proceed and make free choices and be at peace.

I am more than any approval.

I am more than any validation from any human being.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Stepping outside my role

Is there a role that I’m playing that is in opposition to someone else?

With a specific other or in general?

Am I tired of playing that role?

Am I addicted to playing that role?

Am I addicted to the drama?

Can I step outside of that role and look outside of my box, outside of my perception filter?