Saturday, September 29, 2018

Sharing my life experiences 

A new experience for me joining an event on another continent in a different time zone and see how it goes practically with no expectation. Either I am awake or I fall asleep.

The first night Mother Mary talked through Kim and the second night it was Jesus and Saint Germain. A spiritual conference is very special and even with this physical distance between I felt the closeness and oneness and joy to be there-here together and sharing the light and love.

Insights from their messages:

🌸The Most important thing anyone can do is to raise the consciousness by a gradual path, step by step overcoming illusions and growing in awareness.

To suddenly realize new things that was kind of hidden before.

To learn from the past choices with no blaming.

And to share this with others.

Not to feel better than others but to inspire them.

With no attachment or expectations towards others reactions or acceptance or learning from what is shared.

Just a free gift.

A multiplication of the talents.

For the growth of all.🌸

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