Friday, September 7, 2018

Those separate selves 

Today a few of these separate selves had stuck up their ugly faces and tried to engage me in negative emotions and dramas.

Self: that is afraid of that others don’t approve of my creative efforts.

Self: that wants to engage in fighting evil.

Self: that feels defined by the choices of others.

I have looked at them and seen their illusions and entered my peaceful state of consciousness.🙏


I don’t have to seek approval or validation from anyone. It is only a self that needs this from others. I’m always good enough becoming more of who I am each day.

There is no purpose of fighting evil. It only drains my energy and light.

I’m not letting anything define me. I flow with the river of life. I’m not dependent upon other people’s choices for my sense of who I am or for feeling uplifted and at peace. It’s only the separate self that is dependent upon others because it can’t receive light from within.

I’m responsible for my own force field.

I’m Stepping outside of my selves and stopping identifying myself with those selves.

I am More.💙

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