Monday, August 27, 2018

For the children 

🌸💖For the freeing of the children from all abuse, physical, sexual, verbal, emotional, and neglect.

Many children don’t have food or a bed to sleep in.

No one is hugging them.

No one is telling them that they are fine just as they are.

No one is talking to them, just yelling at them or telling them that they have done wrong and deserve to be punished.

No one is seeing their needs.

Because adults are too busy thinking about themselves, looking at their phones or some other distractions.

The children are left to themselves either in the streets or in large groups at daycare or in front of a device like iPads trying to fit in, be accepted and fill their needs, their sense of lack.

We need to turn around and see how the children are abused and neglected and engage in the healing and loving and nurturing of them. 💖🌸

1 comment:

  1. yes beloved. they are being addressed according to the law of free will. good
