Tuesday, October 30, 2018

To be at Peace

The challenge To be at Peace in everyday life.

At Peace with come what may as physical obstacles.

See them as opportunities.

At peace with flowing with the river of life.

Not trying to control the situation or stop the flow.

At peace with giving up expectations. On oneself and how life will unfold.

Being open for whatever.

At peace with other people rejecting help.

Respecting their free will and their place on the path of growth.

At peace with not being able to help. What is help?

At peace with having mistakes exposed and still feel good.

No need for perfection or validation.

At peace meeting all conditions that seems stressful by the outer self or as attacks upon a self.

At peace with being at my level and growing from there as initiations are welcomed.

Everything is good as is.

Peace unto all.๐Ÿ™๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿ’–

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Feeling burdened 

Being vulnerable to lower energies.

What is it that can make the joy flame to fade away?

Is it focusing upon outer results and becoming absorbed in solving a problem?

Is it stepping outside the flow of being in the eternal now?

Is it ambitions and expectations?

Is it focusing upon a goal instead of on the process?

Is it allowing myself to feel that other people are my responsibility?

Is it going away from the connection?

Is it accepting the illusions that I am a victim?

Is it hiding from the Masters?

I will change direction and expose the selves and take a quantum leap up!

Friday, October 19, 2018


Thoughts on Addictions.

Why do I become addicted?

Is it a false promise for joy and relief from something coming from without.

When feeling overwhelmed by life.

Why do I become overwhelmed ?

Because the joy is gone.

Why is the joy gone?

I let go of the joy because ambitions took its place.

Ambitions and expectations.


Who is keeping scores?

It must be a separate self.

A self with ambitions.

Another self offers the relief and false joy.

The inordinate desire that never can be filled.

I Go within and dismiss the ambitions and the scorecards and let joy be the guiding rod instead. 

The joy that comes from flowing and growing and being open to the impulses from above.

So then there is nothing in me that can be addicted because I’m no longer overwhelmed.

I’m inside the flow.


Thursday, October 18, 2018


How do you discern wether the energies behind outer things: physical activities, teachings, music, news, statements made by words...is going upwards or downwards or is just going round in circles?

I myself feel the sensation in my body very much.

If the energy is going up I feel a warmth in my heart and almost an expanding sensation in my chest.

Also a strong motivation and great joy.

If the energy is going down I feel it as almost a pain in my solar plexus and uneasiness in my being. 

Thoughts like: "what am I doing here?" comes up in my mind.

If the energy is just going round in circles-little up and then down again I don’t feel it in my physical body but more in my 3 higher bodies as a feeling of becoming unfocused and doubt comes in. 

Also feelings of being stuck and longing for freedom and something more.

Interesting insights as I’m studying the yellow book by Lanto.

How do you experience these energies?

Monday, October 15, 2018

Self esteem 

I’m thinking about Self esteem.

I have often validated myself from outer circumstances in my life and how others have treated me in life.

I got the vision yesterday that what happens in the outer-my outer conditions is like a costume I take on. 

If it’s burdening me it’s only temporary, I can either take it off or I will outgrow my costume.

The same with circumstances that I encounter, or my daily living situation.

It’s like toys to play with alone or together with other people I encounter.

Maybe there is only a few toys.

Maybe the others don’t want to play with me.

Maybe they are not always nice to me.

This also will change.

But it’s not about me.

I’m more.

I’m not my outer things or relations.

I don’t have to identify myself with my costume or with the outer circumstances.

I can see that if I still can be in good mood and at peace and feel good about myself and who I am 

my outer circumstances will change or if they don’t 

I still can feel good about who I am.

Because I’m more no matter what is right now.๐ŸŒธ

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

I’m connected to everyone and to the earth ๐ŸŒ.

  • What I think and feel and say and do is affecting all and not just me.
  • I’m affecting the earth.
  • My state of consciousness is affecting all.
  • I’m responsible for what I send out.
  • I’m responsible for what I keep.
  • There is a greater whole.
  • I can raise above the smallness of my immediate situations and problems. 

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Sharing my life experiences 

A new experience for me joining an event on another continent in a different time zone and see how it goes practically with no expectation. Either I am awake or I fall asleep.

The first night Mother Mary talked through Kim and the second night it was Jesus and Saint Germain. A spiritual conference is very special and even with this physical distance between I felt the closeness and oneness and joy to be there-here together and sharing the light and love.

Insights from their messages:

๐ŸŒธThe Most important thing anyone can do is to raise the consciousness by a gradual path, step by step overcoming illusions and growing in awareness.

To suddenly realize new things that was kind of hidden before.

To learn from the past choices with no blaming.

And to share this with others.

Not to feel better than others but to inspire them.

With no attachment or expectations towards others reactions or acceptance or learning from what is shared.

Just a free gift.

A multiplication of the talents.

For the growth of all.๐ŸŒธ

Monday, September 17, 2018

The love for expressing my divine individuality๐Ÿ’–

The love for expressing your divine individuality.

You need nothing from other people in order to express your divine individuality. You need nothing from earth in order to express your divine individuality. You need no particular conditions in the material world in order to express your divine individuality. You will never be able to express your divine individuality unless you come to the point where you do it regardless of the outer conditions.

The mystical initiations of wisdom by Kim Michaels.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

My mental box

More insights

Inside My mental box there is a belief that tells me I have to be afraid of.....

Rather it is inside my primal self that this mental box is created!๐ŸŒผ

That I can be hurt by.....

That I must check out for....watch out for......

That I need to defend my rights for .....

That I need to spend energy and attention to evaluate the actions of .......

That I can’t be a peace if I can’t control the situation or the choice of.......

All this is an illusion.

I can open this mental box.

I can step outside of the box.

I will keep it open and never close it again until I’m completely outside of it.

Then it will crumble, be dissolved and discarded and it’s gone.

That box is no more.

I’m free!๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ‘

Sunday, September 9, 2018

My Primal self-inner child 

Fear of being Rejected and Betrayed and abused accused and condemned for being wrong, ugly and a bad person.

Feel and act as a Victim 

Withholding love and expression of Christ truth 

Trying to explain and be understood and approved of

Seeks validation

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Christ truth 

When you dare to speak out and are being silenced.

But you dare to speak.

You are put down but you know you have a right to speak.

You feel the attack, the negative energies coming at you but you keep your boundary and the protection of your force field is intact.

At peace and joy and home free ๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ‘

Friday, September 7, 2018

Those separate selves 

Today a few of these separate selves had stuck up their ugly faces and tried to engage me in negative emotions and dramas.

Self: that is afraid of that others don’t approve of my creative efforts.

Self: that wants to engage in fighting evil.

Self: that feels defined by the choices of others.

I have looked at them and seen their illusions and entered my peaceful state of consciousness.๐Ÿ™


I don’t have to seek approval or validation from anyone. It is only a self that needs this from others. I’m always good enough becoming more of who I am each day.

There is no purpose of fighting evil. It only drains my energy and light.

I’m not letting anything define me. I flow with the river of life. I’m not dependent upon other people’s choices for my sense of who I am or for feeling uplifted and at peace. It’s only the separate self that is dependent upon others because it can’t receive light from within.

I’m responsible for my own force field.

I’m Stepping outside of my selves and stopping identifying myself with those selves.

I am More.๐Ÿ’™

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Ego validation 

Overcoming the egos desire to be validated, to feel good and better than others.

Overcoming the egos fear of not being good enough, fear of being inferior than others.

Always comparing and evaluating and competing and putting down my choices and cocreative efforts.

Overcoming the separate self that needs approval in order to be free to proceed and make free choices and be at peace.

I am more than any approval.

I am more than any validation from any human being.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Stepping outside my role

Is there a role that I’m playing that is in opposition to someone else?

With a specific other or in general?

Am I tired of playing that role?

Am I addicted to playing that role?

Am I addicted to the drama?

Can I step outside of that role and look outside of my box, outside of my perception filter?

Friday, August 31, 2018

Step out of doing 

Time for going within and find my connection point and just be in the now.

To expose the doing good self that wants to be active and doing so many things and not catching up because there is always one more thing that calls on my attention and they seem to be valid all of them.

I step back and and am still.

Still in the now.

Still flowing but not doing.

Just being and freeing myself.

I’m one with the one and the one in complete peace and joy.


Thursday, August 30, 2018


I don’t have to fight anything or anyone.

Engaging in a conflict only drains my energy att attention.

To realize that there are no other result that is more important than my inner peace, my inner harmony.

All outer triggering events or people who try to annoy or engage me are seeking to steal my energy and light.

I will guard my light, my peace, my well-being.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’™

"Help us see that when we choose to engage in anger, blame or a desire for revenge, we are truly hurting ourselves more than anyone else. Help us know that the uni- verse will reflect all negative feelings back to us, and they will build a prison around our souls."

From invocation for consuming conflict.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Creating space 

Creating space in my life for going within and connecting with the higher reality, with my real me.

Creating space for energizing myself and my environment with light and joy.

Creating space for sharing with others and give and receive insights that rises all life. 

Creating space for JOY!๐Ÿ’–

Creating space for Love and Peace!๐ŸŒธ

Tuesday, August 28, 2018


Will you choose peace over conflict?

To express the Christ truth in a situation and to realize when I cannot go any further because I get caught in the negative energies of trying to explain and get another person to see my picture as I see the picture.

To let go of my attachment to the outcome of a situation and to guard my inner peace.

Buddha’s dictation from Jan 1st 2018:


Monday, August 27, 2018

Not use wisdom as a weapon 

There are no such thing as one truth on earth.

It’s only many different explanations of the higher truth.

To fight and trying to outsmart others only keep us from growing because we only go round and round.

Help me to let go of the desire of trying to overpower those who don’t see the same picture as I do.๐ŸŒผ๐ŸŒผ๐ŸŒผ

For the children 

๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿ’–For the freeing of the children from all abuse, physical, sexual, verbal, emotional, and neglect.

Many children don’t have food or a bed to sleep in.

No one is hugging them.

No one is telling them that they are fine just as they are.

No one is talking to them, just yelling at them or telling them that they have done wrong and deserve to be punished.

No one is seeing their needs.

Because adults are too busy thinking about themselves, looking at their phones or some other distractions.

The children are left to themselves either in the streets or in large groups at daycare or in front of a device like iPads trying to fit in, be accepted and fill their needs, their sense of lack.

We need to turn around and see how the children are abused and neglected and engage in the healing and loving and nurturing of them. ๐Ÿ’–๐ŸŒธ

Saturday, August 25, 2018


To accept my emerging higher potential. To accept new possibilities for me in my growth, new challenges on my path, to go outside my comfort zone. 

I am able.

It’s about being not doing outer things.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Moving energy 

As I walk in nature and give invocations I have perceived the energies flowing through my hands and  I move my hands in circular patterns and think that the energy is ours to use and direct freely for the needs for all on earth. 

Miracle victory of freedom 

Mother Mary’s Rosary for miracle freedom together for the Light on the earth to flow to all corners and bring joy and miracle freedom to all.๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’–

Giving invocations together is a miracle. So much light is released.๐Ÿ’œ

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Invocations outside 

Giving invocations outside in the nature surrounded by beauty and peace is truly a blessing.๐ŸŒผ๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’œ


I have started on the yellow book by Lanto. ๐ŸŒผ๐ŸŒผ๐ŸŒผ

The first initiation is wisdom blended with power.

Not trying to be so smart, smarter than others or trying to win arguments because I try to defend one truth as the ultimate one. 

Accelerate my awareness๐ŸŒผ

Monday, August 20, 2018

Inside my box

Am I Still inside my box?

Are the walls so thick? 

Are my eyes so dimmed? 

I step outside with one foot but my head is still inside the box until I can’t breathe the air inside the box because the oxygen is no longer enough inside the box. 

I need something more in order to survive.

I finally get my head outside of the box. 

I can breathe again!

I can see again.

I can hear the angels singing again.

I can feel joy again.

I can rise myself up again. 

I am more than the box and what’s inside of it.

I will not go inside of the box again.

I don’t fit in the box any longer.

I have grown out of it.

I’m free!๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’™

Sunday, August 19, 2018



No need to be perfect.

Just flowing and growing and sharing and playing with childlike innocence.

Just for the pure joy of being alive and able to create something new every minute, every day and experience that my choices lead me to new paths that unfold.๐ŸŒธ

Loving kindness 

Loving kindness๐ŸŒธ

The most important thing to express in all interactions with each other and to ourselves.

What is it prevents us from showing loving kindness towards ourselves and other people?

Is it our wounded self within that feels hurt and unjustly treated and has a need to compensate for past hurt feelings. This self feels that other people don’t deserve to receive kindness because it can’t give kindness to itself.

This self  feels that it’s not lovable, not good enough. Always behind, never catching up to acceptable or worthy of kindness.

So the starting point is to realize that we are always worthy of loving kindness.

All are worthy of loving kindness!๐Ÿ’–

Friday, August 17, 2018

Restore the flame of joy on earth 

Restoring the flame of joy on earth.๐ŸŒธ

To experience that life on earth is a joyful experience.

To receive insights about myself is joyful.

To separate out from the separate selves is joyful.

To accept my new sense of who I am is pure joy.

To grow each day and becoming more is joy.

To share with others and to learn from others is a joyous experience.

To live my life in peace and love fills my heart with joy.

Let the flame of joy be restored to all people on earth.๐Ÿ’–๐ŸŒธ

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Selecting out

Selecting out.

I have come the realization that I can effortlessly select out certain activities that I have been engaged in before, that have been a part of my identity and even daily habits.

The joyful part is that it really is without effort, not because I decided with my outer mind that I should change something.

Just that I felt intuitively from within that this is not who I am any longer. 

I’m a new me.

No struggle involved.

I have stepped outside of my former self. 

I have become more than the former self.

It gives me great joy!๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿ˜Š

This is What Life is all about-to walk This path of joy of becoming More.๐Ÿ’™

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Trying to do right 

The Trying to do right self.

In order to be good.

To receive approval.

To not be criticized or told I have done wrong.

To feel secure.

Of whom do I seek approval?

Who is going to tell me that I have done right and that I’m a good person.

Who is it that I fear shall criticize me?

I will never feel secure as long as seek security outside of myself.

I will never feel good about myself as long as I seek approval from others.

The self that tries to do right will never be able to do right because it is a limited self.

I need to step outside of that self and realize that I need only to take one step at a time on my path of joy to self mastery.๐Ÿ’™

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Loving my whole Self 

๐Ÿ’–I Need to love my whole Self, both the my part and the self part.

As I grow in consciousness and can let go of certain selves on my path and I still have some selves left I need to look at this in a new way.

I still need to look at these selves so I don’t let them deceive me and pull me downwards again but I cannot continue to focus so much on these selves.

I need to stop letting them define me anymore by either submitting to them or by fighting them and blaming myself for still having parts of them.

To love myself enough to allow me to once in a while make "mistakes". To rise up again and just move on my path of becoming more.๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Control games

To see our control games.

To realize that this is not promoting our growth but makes us go into a downward spiral and feel stuck and burdened.

You can never win a control game. 

Because you loose the oneness.

You loose the love.

You loose the peace and harmony.

Friday, August 10, 2018

The wounded self

The Birth trauma

The wounded self - I can let go of that image of myself ๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿ’–

Fear of somebody being angry at me for wrongs I have done - "wrongs are stepping stones of victory to learn from and grow from"

A need to be perfect and not make mistakes As my Life is flowing with the river of life I transcend my sense of self and are becoming more every moment 

A fear of being hurt in some way I’m not allowing myself to take it on, to take it personally 

Punished abandoned ridiculed betrayed It’s not about me!

A need for approval and validation in order not to be hurt Why would I need approval to be who I am and walking my path of joy to self mastery?

A need to compensate I am not bound by old choices but I’m making new choices that replaces the past.

I am who I am๐Ÿ’–๐ŸŒธ

Unconditional Acceptance 

Accepting yourself and others as you are and as others are right now.

Accepting that we are growing from where we are so we can’t expect more than where we are right now.

But we are always learning and growing and becoming more each day.

Accepting that everyone is walking their own path on their journey and everyone needs different experiences in life.

Give this acceptance to yourself and to everyone you meet each day.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Unconditional Love

To love myself๐Ÿ’–๐ŸŒธ and thereby being able to love others. Because the love flows over and can’t be contained within myself so it reaches everyone I meet.

This love is not conditional because I want something in return.

Master More: Everything that happens on earth can be turned into a positive experience for learning.

Life can be a positive experience!

Monday, August 6, 2018

Go within 

Jesus meditation 

I have found great peace in giving this meditation along with the recording. I perceive that I receive the answers from Jesus directly as soon as I let my questions or concerns take form within me. I recommend this meditation to everyone. ๐Ÿ’–

It’s important to take the time to go within in the stillness of your heart and connect with your higher self. Not always being engaged in other activities in life.

Master More: My initiation: To not react in the same way to seemingly being attacked. To instead holding a depersonalized view upon the matter and just observing.

I need Violet flame healing of my emotional body to transmute the negative accumulated energy in my chakras and aura. This energy pulls on my attention and dulls my vision and makes it harder to make higher choices and transcend my separate selves.๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

Sunday, August 5, 2018

The Reactionary self

Master Mores book:

The creative power within by Kim Michaels 

On the 7th level in chapter 8 on Power combined with freedom.

I will try to Depersonalize my reactions to attacks from other people.

Don’t go into the old patterns that drains my energy and attention.

Healing of the traumas 

Healing my spiritual traumas book includes a meditation for going within and open up healing.

The meditation in chapter 5 is a transforming and breathtaking experience.

It’s not a meditation that we can do just once but it’s a process and we peel of layers as we join in it.

We also need spiritual protection as we open up to deep layers in our psychology.

Thank you Mother Mary for guiding me through this.

Healing your spiritual traumas by Kim Michaels 

Friday, August 3, 2018

At Peace with being powerless 

What is my mandala? My circle of influence? 

Buddha June 24

Be the Buddha in action on earth. I don’t have to do anything on earth.

The process is important not the result.

Master More: Looking within, asking: "is there something I can change within myself?" ๐Ÿ’™

Illusion: That I must always be right.

Be at peace with being powerless.

It’s just the outplaying of free will.

No need to defend for my self I transcend.

Meet ridicule with non attachment. Not take everything personally. Can’t be at peace then.

Master More’s book 

Thursday, August 2, 2018

New beginnings 

This is a new beginning for something new as I start this blog about my insights and spiritual life. 

I’m filled with joy to share this with you will who find this blog. 

I’m going to write from my heart in the flow so don’t expect everything to be perfect according to an outer standard because I’m not following an outer standard as I share and flow and grow.

If you don’t agree with what I’m writing about it’s perfectly fine. There is no right or wrong in becoming more of who we are.

Yes!๐ŸŒธ I booked the conference with Kim Michaels and the Ascended Masters in Tallinn in nov-dec!๐Ÿ™ I went outside my comfort zone flying by myself for the first time.

I feel the same warmth in my heart as I did the last time I applied to the conference in Vorden.

๐Ÿ™I’m so grateful!

Saint Germain from Kazakhstan in June 24.

We can open ourselves to the higher realms and receive new ideas when we heal our lesser selves including the primal self.

The self that needs validation from others and is keeping check how others react to us if we will get approval. If we don’t we feel rejected and not good enough.

๐Ÿ’–Insight: I have been burdened by this self a lot and lately begun to see its unreality and pull myself out of it. 

 Actually this process started last week as I gave an invocation to heal my birth trauma from the book: " "Healing your spiritual traumas" by Kim Michaels.

Back then I had not yet listened to this dictation. ๐Ÿ’–